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Home PageIn Greek mythology, Aegle was daughter of Asclepius,
the god of medicine and healing. She derived her name
from “brightness,” or “splendor,” in relation to the human body
when in good health, or from honor paid to the medical profession.
At Aegle Advisors we focus on improving       strategic, financial and operational           systems, so you can focus on               realizing your own corporate mission                   of helping and healing patients.

Fostering Client Wellness

At no time has the healthcare service industry seen such uncertainty and volatility. Leadership is being tested as never before. Software is not always the solution, people, like systems, can fail.

But, leaders need to know they’re not alone. At Aegle Advisors we partner with executive teams to bring a comprehensive perspective and insight to overcome business challenges. Based on our many years of experience in the healthcare arena, we’re adept at handling complex, multifaceted situations.

Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, Aegle Advisors applies an innovative, enthusiastic, solution-based advisory approach to working with clients. We think like our clients, listening to understand their goals, the issues that challenge them, and their political environment. Armed with the insight, we identify opportunities to help them become more successful. Our triangulated approach of financial and operational analysis, observation, and communication can be objectively identified and measured with clarity.